Very good article. But I would also add that I don't believe the demand to use false pronouns is simply a result of misplaced compassion. I'm always reminded of the quote by Theodore Dalrymple ( Anthony Daniels ):

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

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So well stated. Wishing this article could find as wide an audience as possible. The truth as most still know it, will - as you stated - be lost within another generation unless resistance to this wicked plot by the devil is pursued publicly, loudly and strongly. The time has come for the ‘silent’ to raise our voices before it is too late.

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Concisely articulated. Tyranny of the few. This is conditioning at its worse.

It’s endangering the most vulnerable by pushing this bs.. MK ultra by different means. These people are perverted and bullies. They are deviants of the worse kind. Never going to happen.

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I enjoyed reading your article. Our society's morals are gradually drifting away from the Gospel truths taught by Jesus Christ in the Bible. By conforming and participating in "woke" and "liberal" philosophies is to empower the enemy of all truth and to subject ourselves and our children to indoctrination and conditioning designed 're-program' us and draw us away from God. We have to separate ourselves from this growing anti-Christ movement wherever possible. We have to exit the current system where possible and build a new moral society amongst ourselves. Thanks so much for your thoughtful post.

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A small irony to me in all of this is that the clowns teaching English grammar in schools don't even know or understand even the most basic aspects of pronoun usage i.e. singular/plural, pronoun antecedents, pronoun case, pronoun contraction, etc. That is not speculation. That is fact. I witnessed it multiple times over multiple years. Thus, the idiots teaching English were and are more than happy to go along with the new norm to hide their own dusty back trails of laziness and ignorance.

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BRILLIANT! Speaking the truth can be unpopular, and at times even dangerous, but telling lies to ourselves and others does no one any good or any justice.

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Your most important insight in this article is that the pronoun war is really about a denial of truth. The notion that our language must be mutilated in order to adjust to a those who deny their genetic makeup is frightening for the future. This is not to deny that those who are confused about gender do not exist. They do. But that confusion does not change their genetic profile. A person is genetically xx or xy no matter how she or he feels. Moreover, their are genetic problems that give a very small portion a profile other than xx or xy, but these are recognized as genetic malformations. The notion that one can change empirical reality by virtue of how one feels is an act of insanity. When one suffers paranoid delusions, medical treatment recognizes that the cause of the resulting feelings is delusional. But what we are doing in the pronoun wars is laying a foundation for claiming that delusions are reality because a person has feelings consistent with such delusions. But feelings to do not create facts; else we would encourage people who "feel" that they can fly by flapping their arms to jump from buildings to try out their wings. But this is precisely what we are encouraging people to do by agreeing with them that they can legitimately change their pronouns. To the degree that we accommodate insanity, to that degree we accept that insanity is right and encourage ourselves and others to become insane. Unfortunately, that is where we are right now.

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It's dangerous to empower minorities. Rust never sleeps. There's always a 'next step'.

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Well put!!!

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EXCELLENT as usual! What else can I say?

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Several points well made. Brings to mind the ‘tickling ears’ spoken of in the New Testament. It didn’t start one Sunday morning, but little by little.

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Sarah: well said; the camel is in the tent now and no one is going to kick the camel out; there will always be 50% of the population who think these pronoun loving deviants need their protection.

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I just ignore them.

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I agree with you if someone is eighteen or younger, or perhaps twenty-one or younger but by the time they are over twenty-one they should know who they are. If they do not know who they are after turning twenty-one we cannot help them. Any twenty-two year old man wearing a dress who wants to be called she - I will call her she. An eight year old boy who wants to be called she will be called he. If I know the kids parents I will talk to them about him.

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