Hillary Clinton, still a celebrated figure among the American left, was invited onto MSNBC for a discussion largely centered on the achievement of women, in light of the patronizing annual Women’s History Month.
While watching her fatuous monologues is not a regular activity for this author, there can be value in analyzing the mindset of our adversaries. That’s sometimes best done by listening to their heroes.
During the TV episode, Hillary boldly proclaimed:
I'm so glad that Olena Zelenska is here because women are [applause]... women and children are the primary victims of conflict and of climate change and there is no place that unfortunately, tragically shows us that more dramatically than Ukraine today.
— Hillary Clinton
Of course, that’s laughable. Men are the primary victims of conflict, both in domestic assaults and in war. This is documented beyond dispute. That does not mean that women and children do not suffer in both, of course. However, it’s not a competition for who can suffer the most. Yet, it seems to be so for Hillary and the political persuasion that she represents.
There seem to be two dynamics at play here:
One is the desire for victimhood, for victimhood is power in a society that seeks to label all as either oppressors or oppressed. Being the greater victim, in this view, requires society to compensate with misguided compassion. There is tremendous power in that.
The second attribute of the statement is a declaration about who matters, or more notably, who doesn’t. After all, the statistics clearly prove the opposite of what she claims. The vast majority of servicemen are men. Military drafts, including in Ukraine, call men to risk their lives involuntarily. Almost 80% of all homicide victims worldwide are men, according to the United Nations. Men make up 91% of workplace accidents. Despite being the over-privileged oppressors of society according to prevailing consensus, most suicides in the United States are by white males.

It’s noteworthy that not only do men fight (and die) in wars at disproportionate rates, they do so specifically to protect women and children, as they have done throughout the history of the West. Throughout Christendom, men engaged in battle so as to protect more vulnerable groups of the population, thus keeping women and children away from warfare if it was possible. This requires an acknowledgment, however, that women are physically weaker than men — a fact that Hillary et al find to be repugnant.
Her claim about the climate is even more ridiculous. Any changes to the climate would impact women, children, and men equally. Weather catastrophes do not target the victimhood groups of Democrats. There is no oppressor. A quick glance at rescue workers in any of those scenarios will reveal a disproportionate ratio of men, as is the case with first responders everywhere.
By attempting to reverse the statistics about male death and injuries, Hillary implicitly makes a claim that the suffering of men doesn't matter. After all, she fails even to acknowledge it, regardless of its gravity.
This is the natural consequence of the leftist, anti-Christian manner of seeing the world. People like Hillary only see groups, they don’t see people. They overlook the humanity of the people that they choose to marginalize. The victims of their scorn are reduced to nothing but oppressors. Human beings with dignity, value, and worth, created by God, are eviscerated, their sufferings and trials ignored. It’s perverse. It’s wrong morally and factually.
Incredibly, those who engage in this type of dehumanization do so while considering themselves noble and pious for their elevation of the groups that they prefer. The fight against this always begins with an honest exposure of what they are really doing.
Straightforward and well stated. Thank you.
Beware of the those calling for ubiquitous tolerance because they will be intolerant of those they disagree with. Calling out for it is likely a shibboleth of those lacking it because it is manifesting their shadow. We have met the enemy, and the enemy is us. They have met the enemy, and in their delusional think it is not them.
Women started being encouraged to join the workforce, and work outside the home for 2 reasons. First reason is to increase the tax income so the politicians can finance their pet projects. The second reason is to get mom out of the house, away from the kids so the kids can more easily be indoctrinated with communist ideals and now perversion.