Olympia school district in Washington state made a ‘Pride Month Proclamation’, boasting of the pro-LGBT lessons they planned to add to their curriculum. They included LGBT-themed songs and books as part of the “journey toward gender-inclusive schools”. Some parents understandably contacted the district requesting exemptions for their children, so they might opt out of such classes.
The school district refused, maintaining that the children in their care would be forced to participate, for there would be no withdrawal process. Moreover, the school district claims that having an opt-out process for LGBT classes would be offensive:
“To ask staff to excuse students when those types of activities would occur, it’s not only disruptive to the learning environment and an undue burden, I would say, on staff… Much more importantly, it’s offensive and demeaning to the very students and staff who are protected.”
— District Superintendent Patrick Murphy
There’s a lot to unpack in such a small quote. While Patrick maintains that allowing children to be excused from such classes would be disruptive, he seems indifferent to the fact that the subject matter is itself disruptive. After all, parental and student desires to opt out stand as a testament to the divisiveness of such classes, which therefore results in disruption.
Then, of course, we have his claim that allowing students to be excused would be “offensive and demeaning”, and specifically to the people who matter most. Or, as he puts it, “the very students and staff who are being protected.”
Here again, there’s a sleight-of-hand in which he claims some kind of moral superiority in protecting people from offense. Yet, the LGBT classes themselves are offensive and demeaning to Christians. They represent an assault on decency, the dignity of the human person, and the Faith. Yet, the offense taken by Christians (and anyone still able to reason) is neglected completely. He implies that it is immaterial whether or not those other people are offended — for those aren’t the people who are being “protected”. Anyone who opposes such classes may be branded as a bigot — which we might fairly describe as “offensive”.
So, we find ourselves back at the notion of privileged classes — those who can be offended and those who must be protected from offense. In an ironic way, we’re back at the privileged vs underprivileged, with those routinely claiming to be oppressed being shown preference, as is the norm. Yet, the facts show that they’re actually the oppressors.
Remember: We are told that privilege is a bad thing. We are reminded through academia, media, and entertainment that the privileged are to make sacrifices to ‘level out the playing field’. Yet the privilege actually lies in the hands of the LGBT group, which constantly lobbies to trounce the rights of others.
Of course, even those outside of the public schools can’t “opt-out” from the assault on decency. The LGBT imagery is displayed by every major corporation, the federal government, an array of state governments, and is even painted on crosswalks by city governments. We don’t find public displays of Christian symbolism by civic agencies, for they hide behind the pretext that they cannot support a state religion, but that’s exactly what they’re doing with the promotion of sexual deviancy. It’s one tenet of the current perverse state religion.
How can one even entertain the idea that a cross might be offensive but that it’s perfectly okay to have tax-funded, sexually-explicit parades through American cities, which contain fully naked adults or those wearing sex objects, sometimes engaging in mock sex acts?
In all of this, there’s no fear of offending those who know that the behaviors are immoral and harmful to souls. There’s no respect for those who simply care enough about the truth to reject modern gender ideology. Instead, children and adults are bombarded with indecency. Those who live the Christian faith will increasingly be made to demonstrate it, by refusing to comply with such perversity. There will be no option for quietly stepping away, because those in power won’t allow it. Playing a role in any of this is tantamount to a rejection of the Faith and an embrace of false gods. We must be ready to make our choices known.
Oh hell no, my kids don't, wouldn't, be involved in any activities that fly in the face of our faith.
Oh Sarah! You put before our very eyes what a degenerate society we are becoming, and so many "intelligent people" don't have a clue as to what is happening. Yes, we can't opt out for so many reasons as you stated so well. We need more people like you to make your voice heard, and to say enough is enough!! Our hope and prayers lie with "waking the sleepy dog" to fight back! Please keep up the good work!!