Trans Theater Eviscerates Female Dignity
Women's fertility is belittled by the imitations of the so-called trans community.
It’s strange to ponder how some who fail to see the biological reality of the sexes can simultaneously seek to re-engineer their bodies into emulating the sex that they deny existing. I recently became aware of a common practice amongst the men who seek to be acknowledged as women. A curious post on social media read, “All of the trans women I know have periods.” Well aware that “trans women” are men and that men lack the biological parts and necessity for this to be true, I ventured down a rabbit hole.
The vast majority of posts that I read from practitioners of menstrual cycle emulation are not appropriate for reproduction here, for it’s not my wish to give readers nightmares. Nevertheless, I can share that many of these men take laxatives once monthly to create cramping sensations. They use period tracking apps to remind them to take the pills reliably. Still others add to this absurdity by using a variety of blood lookalikes, from ketchup to melted popsicles. Yes, really.
While on one hand, I wish I could purge my mind of such knowledge, it does add new perspective. The moment that a man takes a laxative in an attempt to play at being a woman, he acknowledges what he is not. This is quite obviously a game to many of those who have embraced the ‘lifestyle’, perhaps even some kind of sexual fetish. But more than that, it makes a mockery of female dignity. It’s a reduction of women and their fertility to a dress-up routine, as if becoming a woman would be the same basic process of becoming a clown — with just the right makeup and clothes, they imply, it’s done successfully. But it isn’t.
When a man goes through the aforementioned motions, he belittles the nature of both sexes, for they were made uniquely different, that they might combine together to beget children. The sexes were made for each other — to create families, which would form the bedrock of any society that might dare to call itself civilized.
When the participants in this farce then enter spaces reserved for women as the more vulnerable of the sexes, real women face harassment and removal. 80-year-old Julie Jaman had been swimming at the Mountain View YMCA for over 30 years when she heard a male voice in the locker room for the first time, and turned to find a cross-dressing man watching young girls remove their bathing suits to use the toilets. She told him to leave, and complained to staff, only to be banned herself. When our society was more decent, bathrooms were rigidly separated by sex, demanded most often by men who embraced their duty to protect the more vulnerable gender. Now it is more common to deny such basic truths as sex-based differences.
What is it that makes these trans actors different from those who dress up as animals (“furries”) before engaging in sexual acts, or those who wear diapers for bizarre foreplay? They are all degrading actions, in which people pretend to be what they are not. They are all perversions that strip the participants of their dignity. While it seems likely that each participant has his own emotional burdens to explain his actions, that matters not. We can express compassion for the sufferings and toils of others while still being intolerant of the acts of degeneracy that they commit. It is what we must do.
The alternative is unthinkable — it is to encourage the acts under the auspice of compassion, thus denying the inherent dignity that they are each owed, while causing such acts to spread and proliferate. Eventually, children become the victims of our ‘tolerance’, and then we all participate in an act of evil. Even before then, innocent members of the community are made victims while the silent proclaim their tolerance. Innocent people are forced to bear public witness to increasingly degenerate acts. Those who attend music festivals are unprepared for a random exposure to those wearing sex objects, those attending libraries might now see a man wearing the attire of a jezebel, women’s competitive swim halls contain men who demonstrate their profound physical differences while forcing onlookers to feign blindness, and then there are the restrooms at every major store, into which such individuals now enter with impunity. This is not victimless. The victims are everywhere. The victims are afraid to speak, fearing violent backlash (for which the LGBT community is well known) or loss of job, which too endangers their families.
On what basis do we assert that these innocent people must be sacrificed for the proposed good of those using tomato juice ice cubes? It’s an appalling trade, for which there is no defense.
The bad actors who participate seek to grasp the ultimate prestige in a society gone awry: victimhood. There’s power in being a faux victim: to get others to bend to your demands, out of fear that you might publicly shame and destroy them. To be a real victim is to be powerless, such as Yvette Cormier, a woman banned from Planet Fitness for daring to raise her voice about a man in the women’s locker room.
Those who promote modern gender theory claim a moral high ground with the repeated proclamation that they’re helping the vulnerable, but it’s a false claim. They’re creating real victims by defending and encouraging a degenerate form of elaborate dress-up. Don’t allow them to cling to false piety. Their actions have consequences and victims.
Thanks for exposing the depravity of the trans culture. Recently I was taken aback by an article that asserted that only recently have Christians been concerned about abortion. Perhaps that's because only relatively recently have elective abortions been pushed as normative behavior. Here is some important background: The Classic Hippocratic Oath (circa 400 BC) required doctors to swear, "Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child." That oath protected the unborn until 1964 when Dr. Louis Lasagna (Tufts University) rewrote it removing the abortion clause and inserting in it place, "But it may also be within my power to take a life." Whenever we see this text in a doctor's office, we should inform the doctor that it should be called the "Lasagna Oath." Bit by bit our values are being eroded. Keep up the good fight.
Thank you for looking down the rabbit hole and reporting back to us. Perhaps you'll take a peek at Boston Hospital's hysterectomy program for young girls, next? That rabbit hole is going mainstream right before our very eyes.