There seems to be a desire among those on the right to downplay the so-called “transitions” of adults who have gender dysphoria. The argument goes like this: “I don’t care what adults want to do to their bodies. They can chop off as many pieces as they want. Just don’t touch kids, because kids are too young to make those decisions.”
This isn’t the moral position that so many claim it to be. If we accept that mutilation is unhealthy and harmful—shouldn’t we be willing to say so? People who desire to change their sex fit into at least one of two categories and often both…
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Sarah, your article on moral cowardice was absolutely brilliant and hits at the heart of the problem. One of the most detestable characteristics of modern society is the cancer of “evolving “ it is always in one direction. We live in a world that’s totally different than the one of our youth. For those who are old with good memories, it is horrifying. Evolving is really just an incremental falling away from our Lord, one day we wake up and realize, we are far from him.
I clearly remember as a child in the 1970's feeling appalled by the pictures in the newspaper of homosexual men parading in the streets in San Francisco. Many adults were saying: "just leave them alone; what harm can they do?" Well now we know. . .