Very well put Sarah. We seem to be losing track of what we are. We are a nation, not a corporation.

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Jan 2Edited

Having worked in the tech industry I can attest firsthand that corporations value cheap labor far and above skilled Americans and loyal workers. What they've done over the past 30 years is they've made workers easily replaceable.

They want foreign workers because they will work for far less money and they are even easier to replace than American workers. Foreigners do not have high middle class standards. Or they tend not to.

They have virtually wiped out the upwardly mobile middle class. In it's place we find middle class citizens who are literally surviving paycheck to paycheck and just getting by. Gen X and Gen Y are taking the worst of it.


So what's going on? First off, ever since NAFTA, we have moved nearly all manufacturing to foreign nations. The USA no longer produces actual physical product like we used to. Corporations are taking advantage of foreign cheap labor and lax regulatory laws.

Next, corporations have been pumping in hundreds of thousands of foreigners to replace what remains of American jobs.

It's a class war. It's the ultra super rich vs everyone else. Have you noticed how the pay gaps between those at the top and the actual workers has gotten much, much bigger.

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As always you are correct. But you have not looked into who and why this problem is created.

In my opinion if the Federal Reserve Bank is not dismantled then this sorry state of affairs will continue on a downward spiral. The Feds just wants War, War and more Wars as it is extremely profitable to them and the other part of the Agenda is Cultural Marxism reducing people to the lowest common denominator. If you do not understand my reasoning please read: The Creature from Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin. https://archive.org/details/pdfy--Pori1NL6fKm2SnY/mode/2up?view=theater

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Thank you for your note Sarah! We are wanting to expand your options to address your concerns as that is what we do, if you would like 501.205.0412 Hawk Doc

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Brilliant, Sarah. You describe, in global terms, a similar situation that is largely homegrown in the US. Once-strong community cultures have been saturated with derogatory, vulgar, ostentatious behaviors, brought on by college coaches preferring to import "talent" instead of actually COACHING local home-grown individuals. These so-called "coaches" often introduce these classless individuals, and their associates, into parts of America that have previously been spared the sad realities of living in certain areas of the country.

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Well said. And frankly,when I was growing up, I took a lot of time to play. But I also worked hard.

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