That this is happening in the land of the Magna Carta, and the nation that worked so assiduously to ban slavery, is so unthinkable...so abhorrent...it could only come from the bowels of Hell and dare I say prevail with the active help of the demonic. The Left is demonic - full stop.

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The way you write about the Constitution here reminds me of those memes you sometimes see where the image is a tool or regular item from decades ago that nobody recognizes anymore.

It can only be properly understood and used when the principles go with it.

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Unfortunately, this nation has approximately 164 years of the Constitution being ignored; generally, beginning with Lincoln and his war against the Constitution and the States. All three branches of the same centralized government, as well as the federal education cabal, have collaborated in its actual demised which we are today witnessing.

Only God,'s mercy will save these United States and the Western World from the Black Death of Communism.

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Thank you for your thoughtful and salient commentaries.

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Excellent as usual. Your voice reading is especially well done. A pleasure to listen to when my eyes are too tired to read any more.

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Your articles always give me pause to evaluate and appreciate our Catholic faith. There is so much in our world that seems out of balance...... common sense is no longer the norm. I am grateful for your insights and commentary on these social issues that we all need to pray about.


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Let's see what happens now that Donald Trump has been elected President. For Christians, we will continue to fight the good fight against the principalities of this world. Evil abounds and we must wear the armor of God and carry His shield and sword. "Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tou da gloriam."

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“Previous civilizations have been overthrown from without by the incursion of barbarian hordes. Christendom has dreamed up its own dissolution in the minds of its own intellectual elite. Our barbarians are home products, indoctrinated at the public expense, urged on by the media systematically stage by stage, dismantling Christendom, depreciating and deprecating all its values.”

Malcolm Muggeridge – English Journalist, Author and Satirist (1903 - 1990)

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Make sure you turn in a ballot, even if you do not mark for any positions or measures. This will help to keep you in the pool of jurors on a possible court case.

I believe, this was a point made by Sarah, some time ago.

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"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts." - Jeremiah 31:33 Unless enough people convert, no written law will suffice to maintain order.

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When no one obeys the Constitution, it turns into a mere scribbled piece of paper.

It has happened in other places in the world. Believe me.

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Did you know that if scientists discovered so much as a microbe on Mars, the headlines would read "LIFE DISCOVERED ON MARS." If there were a species of microscopic worms, LIFEFORMS DISCOVERED ON MARS! is what people would say. If there were a plant species, a moss, lichen, or a mushroom... "MARS SUPPORTS LIFE!"

Think about that for a minute. LIFE. No matter how "insignificant" scientists would proclaim it from the rooftops. LIFE.

Now think about the intellectual loopholes that are invented to argue that something we are aware of is somehow NOT "LIFE."

In fact, if scientists were able to accurately count this discovered 'LIFEFORM' on Mars, and it turns out through some form of telemetry, and there's less of them than the Spotted Owl or other such 'endangered species' you can bet that MARS would become a UN off-limits endangered species no-fly-zone. It would be illegal to go there. To protect this rare and endangered species. (While NASA secretly goes there, lands, burns a thousand of them every time their retrorockets burn the ground.)

LIFE. I don't have the answers. I was what they call 'an accident.' If it were up to me as an embryo, I'd choose not to be at all. But that's my decision. Which I didn't have a right to one way or the other. But here I am.

Later, in LIFE, I didn't get another choice. Somebody's 'career' got a choice. It wouldn't have been my choice. But I didn't get a say.

I would say, however, if a microbe is "LIFE" on Mars or another planet, then what the hell are we even talking about?

I am against abortion, with one exception. My own. Which would require a time-machine, so that's not possible. The real truth is that a hundred years ago, there really weren't arguments for the rights of the mother, but rather, it was to spare wealthy upper class men from scandals. It used to be illegal in Los Angeles in the 20s, and 30s. Many actresses and aspiring actresses died from 'fixers' carrying them out. Oh, no, they weren't doing it so Lana Turner could have a career, it was so the next movie could be made, or to spare the producer another scandal. 'Fixers' made a lot of money, even though many were legit medical doctors, they also made a lot of mistakes, but also did some other horrible things in the shadows.

One such 'fixer' was known as George Hodel. He was, like many of them, a wealthy doctor to the stars. He was the number one suspect in the Black Dahlia murder case. However, aside from the pretense that this is about someone's rights, (as I said, I didn't get a choice...therefore no rights) is a vast deep rabbit hole of reproductive tissue harvesting. All kinds of actual stories are out there one can research. It is literally a science fiction nightmare that goes back decades. Abortion clinics carry out more than abortions. This rabbit hole is so readily researchable, and most often leads to Eugenics, but it is these reproductive scientists who gave us organ harvesting, stem cells, cloning and black markets of all manner of things taken from women's bodies. It's Frankenstein meets James Bond villainy. Historically. For decades. There's court cases about it.

I remember a time when I protested against merely the idea of cloning, genetic engineering. The fact is that it is one giant Eugenics category of abominations most Catholics probably don't even want to think about. It's not conspiracy theory. People do not question what else goes on in these clinics and labs, and the buying and selling of embryos, tissues, fluids, you name it. We live in a world of commodification of everything. Right down to your DNA. Hope you didn't give your DNA to one of those fly by night genealogy websites, you just gave away your DNA. They collected everyone's DNA in Iceland over 20 years ago for 'discounts on pharmaceuticals.' I bet they didn't get any, and they all forgot they handed it over, and their kids.

The darker deeper secret is far worse than anybody is willing to imagine still. And it's not some futuristic possibility or 'slippery slope.' We have already hit the end of that slippery slope and crashed, where people just two years ago were lied to about a genetically engineered 'thing' which we were supposed to take another 'genetically engineered thing' to somehow prevent illness, only to get another illness. I say we stop trusting people in white coats at this point, no matter what the hell they tell us now. It's not medicine any more. None of this is, even though it's labeled as such. The real bottom of the line question is, why does ANYBODY trust these people in white coats with letters after their names? It doesn't appear they tell us the truth about very much of anything, and since they're the wealthiest, they also get to write laws for us, especially the ones governing what we believe about their activities. I could go on, but I think I've made my point. All these millions of dollars people fork over for these charities, blood, child burn victims, cancer research, muscular distrophie, you name it. For decades and decades. Where did this money go? It lined people's pockets and saved no one. Cease and desist giving blood and any money to any charity of these sorts, or any supposed medical research. We trusted these men in white coats for centuries, but they've led us nowhere. And as more and more people are finding out... they're 'unLIFE-ing us.'

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In response to your article.

In America are people aware of MK Ultra ?

As for the UK what you have said is correct but you have missed a vital point. These cases are going to court and the Police are loosing each case and are having to pay compensation in the range of £13,00 each time.

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This is the first conviction.

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