This article was published at Crisis Magazine. The introduction follows.
Forgiveness is a difficult topic for most of us, and it is usually focused on the pardon of those who have wronged us, whether maliciously or negligently. We don’t typically give much thought to that other forgiveness.
Each of us knows the weight of our own sins, for regret can be a searing pain. What about forgiving ourselves of our past offenses? How necessary might that be? If we have attempted to make amends to those whom we have wronged, and we have taken the incident to God via sacramental confession, is there more to be done?
Some individuals attempt to justify a position of lifelong self-loathing, long after they have been forgiven by God and even by neighbor. That cannot be a Christian position. It would deny the Christian message of redemption and renewal, which lies at the core of Christ’s sacrifice.
Please continue reading the full article at Crisis Magazine. Crisis does not accept comments but you are welcome to leave them below. This one is more theological than most that I write, and I would be especially interested to hear your thoughts.
Somehow along the way of my childhood the pernicious idea that I must love everyone else but hate and be harsh to myself had seeped is liberating to realize that I get to, indeed must, (properly) love myself as well. So your essay really resonates, and is further fuel for me to continue to develop a healthy relationship to self. Thank you.
I understand what you are saying and in theory I can agree with you.
But I can not and will not forgive behaviour like this and the people he represents.
This next sentence is going to be hard for you to swallow.
This man served at the highest reaches of the United States Government: his words are not only racists, thoroughly offensive and threatening BUT;
Lowkey EXPOSES Stuart Seldowitz
Lowkey uncovers the powerful past of New York’s most famous racist ranter.