The failure to investigate and actively go after the rape gangs is very troubling. It is very likely that the number of victims over a decade is around a million. Rape gangs and grooming gangs are showing up in every city in England.

There are accounts of fathers being arrested for trying to save their daughters!! This is not a joke. It's going on right now today in England.

Anyone who exposed the rape gangs is targeted by the authorities. Anyone who tries to stop them is arrested. And if you try to tell the truth of what's going on, the authorities will come after you. This isn't a conspiracy theory. It's very, very real. Just search YouTube or social media. Many stories are censored or shut down but some still get out.

Human trafficking is a very real problem but far too often we're seeing authorities not doing their job to protect the people. In fact, just the opposite. The authorities are protecting the criminals.

The why of it is painfully obvious.

Rape gangs and grooming gangs are coming from mass unchecked immigration and illegals. This group of people are literally getting a free pass to do whatever they want. And the problem is not limited to just England.

Sweden is a train wreck. They are the rape capital of the entire Western world. And yet, prior to unchecked immigration they were one of the safest nations on Earth. Same goes for places like France, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Austria, etc etc etc.

This needs to end. The first step is to be truthful about the problem. The second step is to take action. Far too few people are talking openly about the truth what's going on. This is in no small part due to the weaponization of the police forces against law abiding citizens.

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This story is gathering momentum in England and it all leads back to Governments not wanting to investigate this vile crime for political reasons; Votes are more important than White Girls lives.


I know the sickening reasons Labour wanted to cover up the rape gang scandals. What I was told when I was Rochdale MP is utterly shocking... and now I'm exposing those politicians: SIMON DANCZUK


Published: 01:53 GMT, 13 January 2025




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Over fourteen centuries, Muslims kidnapped and enslaved on the order of 15 million White Europeans and 100 million Black Africans, and many captured women were sold into harems and concubinage for sexual slavery. The Muslim slave trade persists today. Rape of captured and enslaved kafir women is approved by both Quran and Hadith.





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“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property – either as a child, a wife or a concubine – must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal subjects of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the World. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome”

Verbatim extract from 1899 book The River War - Winston S. Churchill (1874 – 1965)

Dear Old Winnie clearly described the prospects for the future of Britain and Europe, were they to abandon science and Christianity and would surely weep if he were alive today, seeing his prophetic speculation becoming tragic actuality as the major Western Nations collectively are all abandoning not only both Science and Christianity but also Mother Nature herself!

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Brits are waking up to the collapse of their Nation but they are 60 years too late, with the cultural and demographic structure now so distorted that there is no easy fix! All the seeds for the demise of the UK were being sown long, long ago, back when ‘Great’ Britain was still recovering from WW2. Immigration has been out of control there since the influx of Kenyan Asians in the 60's, closely followed by the exodus from Amin's Uganda in the 70's as all the post-colonial era chickens started coming home to roost, literally and metaphorically... ! Further spurred by the openly socialist Blair Government in 1997 the ill-educated, culturally rabid, religiously fanatical and unassimilable Third World Hordes have been flooding unchecked into that once green and pleasant land ever since.

The hated and pilloried Enoch Powell had previously spelled out exactly what would be forthcoming in his (willfully mischaracterised) ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech given back in 1968 in response to the Wilson Labour Governments’ ill-conceived Race Relations Act, and a quick look at the perpetrators of most of the criminal behaviour, knife and firearm violence, murder, mayhem, drug and human sex trafficking in London, Birmingham, Leeds, Leicester, Rotherham and many other large urban centres show his prediction looking much more insightful and prescient than inflammatory and provocative, as was trumpeted at the time by the political class and media as they busied themselves smearing him. I hope they’re all brushing up on their Arabic, Farsi and Kurdish language skills…fluency is going to be essential for future success and moving up in what used to Great Britain!

I'm reminded of the lyrics of The Kinks song, Living on a Thin Line. ".... there’s no England now." Dave Davies was more visionary than anyone realised when he wrote it back in 1984 …. Oh, the irony of that date!

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Grooming gangs inquiry ‘told not to investigate senior officers’

A whistle blower alleges that the only inquiry into police failings in the Rotherham grooming scandal avoided investigating senior officers


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Rape gangs in UK were predominantly Pakistani from what I have read. Victims also included "Sikhs" who may or may not be classified as white depending upon who is doing the categorization. Islam is as dark as the "Black Stone" that they stole from its location in Petra, which they kiss at its new location in Mecca(Islamic Disneyland). Are you aware that the spring or well in Mecca, that never runs dry, from which they sell their version of holy water, is sourced from a modern day desalination plant on the coast? The majority premise of Islam is false.

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Thought exercise: If you were Satan and wanted to establish a religion that would be tailor-made for deceiving people, catering to their basest instincts, encouraging self-destruction, and ruining lives for millions of others, then what would it look like? I firmly believe the Quran was, in fact, dictated...just not by an angel.

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I don't think it is being used strictly as religious warfare, but as a political, and quasi military tool.

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Its beyond sickening to read this. You have a tremendous amount of courage writing about this as an Englishwoman. The UK has MI5, MI6, the Royal Marines, and the local police, yet none of those men were brave enough or had the courage to act and protect those women...

Those men had a duty to protect their own countrywomen and failed. i hope this article along with Elons will inspire them to act and honor the oaths they took.

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If someone knows how to get this article in front of Elon, do so.

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