It has become commonplace to have a distrust of the mainstream media. One could even refer to that wariness as healthy, for it is merited. However, occasionally, modern journalists manage to write something shocking even by lackluster modern standards. Take this headline for example:
How does a woman sexually assault another woman? She lacks the means for most such assaults. In truth, only one woman was involved in the exchange, and she was the victim. “Lisa” was not a woman, but rather a man who has chosen to change his first name to match his proclamation that he wishes to be female.
The male attacker attempted to forcibly remove the clothing of his victim awhile telling her to “lie down and have sex with me”. The victim’s screams garnered the attention of bystanders, who saved her from the would-be rapist. There is little doubt that the experience was a traumatic one for the victim and an incident that could have easily been worse. Western societies have long viewed rape as a heinous crime and offered compassion to the victims, contrary to the claims of a “rape culture” by the American Left. In this case, due to leftist ideology, empathy was not offered to the victim, but rather, to her attacker. When the journalist (Caroline Schelle) penned that piece, as others did on the same story, she further victimized the woman, for there can be no compassion without an understanding and acknowledgment of what the victim experienced.
The same group that heralds the mantra of “your truth” denied the victim of sexual assault the truth. The victim knows that she was confronted by a man who was dressed in drag; crime reports say that the attacker, “looked transgender”. This shouldn’t be a complicated story.
The would-be journalist was relentless in her rewriting of this story:
“A Melbourne woman was walking home when another woman grabbed her and told her to ‘lie down and have sex with me’ in a shocking attack.”
Another woman? If the reader were unfamiliar with modern leftist dogma, this would be incredibly confusing. It isn’t an accurate retelling of events, it is a rewriting of them, in order to deny a truth that we were told could never happen.
Those who have been opposing transgender intrusion into the spaces of the opposite sex are often people who work with and represent sexual assault victims. They know that such crimes are often crimes of opportunity, and thus that making it possible for men to go into women’s bathrooms without question made it more likely that a sexual predator would exploit the option.
When North Carolina passed the so-called “bathroom law” (HB2), forcing people to use bathrooms in accordance with their sex in state-owned property, there was outrage from the media, leftist organizations, major sports leagues, and mega-corporations. The idea that a transgender individual could be violent, or that someone would pretend to be confused about his sex in order to commit a sexual assault was preposterous, they proclaimed in unison. Yet, it happens with alarming regularity.
A teenage boy sexually assaulted a girl in a Loudoun County, Virginia school while he was dressed as a girl. For politically correct reasons, the school district covered it up and moved him to another school, where he would assault another girl in a similiar manner. We now have a litany of cases wherein deviant men are housed with female inmates in prisons, only to predictably exploit the opportunity and rape the women.
Almost as bad as the incidents themselves is when the media and legal system create an alliance in denial of truth, at the expense of the victims that they are supposed to be defending in their respective roles. In the Melbourne transgender case hitherto described, the judge was concerned about the traumatic experience in which the man previously had to stay in a male prison for sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl:
“Her time in the male prison was a ‘traumatic and harrowing’ experience for Jones but did little to deter further sexual offending, Judge Tiwana said.”
The victim in the prior assault was six-years old, and the fact that a man had to stay in a male prison after engaging in a sex attack is just and appropriate. Moreover, it points to a pattern of behavior that proves he is a danger to society. He was only sentenced to three years in prison for the most recent near-rape, by a judge who was concerned about the traumatic experience of the incarceration, and in a case reported on by ‘journalists’ who falsely refer to the predator as a woman.
We’re stumbling upon a time when people no longer have the words necessary to articulate the truth, in a nod to Orwell. As society inches that way, it is our duty to future generations to maintain language, to speak plainly, and honestly about the world that we inhabit. Those who work in the arenas of journalism and education surely bear more of a responsibility for such clarity, else they should bend a knee and pronounce their positions in propaganda blatantly.
I used to be puzzled by the odd ways of the left to lean into criminogenic behavior, and to oppress rational discourse. When I looked into the makeup of the left, I realized that they were comprised largely of schizoid like characters types. When I thought upon this, I realized, schizophrenia is caused by leasions in (I believe) the hypocampus of the brain that, amound other things, cause a lose of hierarchical reasoning, leaving he brain with predomently heterarchical, or associative, reasoning only. Thus, the major debilitation of scizophrenia is the inability to reason contextually. And this brings me to a rather keen insight that Dr. John Nash, the famous mathematician who suffered from scizophrenia said about his illness: It['s] easy to go insane, all [one] ha[s] to do [i]s induldge [one's] dilusions. What [one] doesn't realize is how difficult it is to come back. The marxist left is suffering from a kind of self induced scizophrenia, they are narrative seeking, suggistable, susceptible, gullible and glib. As they lean into their narrative, they induldge more and more their delusional thinking, and exhibit increasing resistance to reason, while increasingly demanding the compliance and alegiance of others per force. I am no doctor, so I only ask the question, is Former Vice President Biden a psychopath. I ponder this, as I look over the short survey of charater features in the Hayes psychopathy check list at:
A man is a man forever!