Your observation, Sarah, that "While bowing to the pressure of indignant leftists on X (Twitter), he felt no fear of reprisal upon sending such comments to Perry" exposes that form of cowardice which is called Political Correctness.

We note that the Politically Correct carefully reserve their insults, attacks, criticisms for those who they reckon will not respond aggressively, e.g., Catholics, Jews, Caucasian males.... Meanwhile, we note that they carefully avoid even mild criticism of those whom they might expect to respond violently, e.g., Moslems, feminists, homosexualists...

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"[The editor] felt no fear of reprisal upon sending such comments to Perry. That’s what happens when one believes that his stance and actions are both normal and acceptable . . . ."

Of course, as we now see daily, also perhaps in the most historical verdict Thursday in America's history, there are no men on the right in positions of power who will fight back. In other words, it is very questionable whether the right even breeds men anymore. People on the right with the power to push back are afraid of their own shadows. I don't want to change the subject and I will end with this, but people also are completely missing what the "hero" Mitch McConnell, and Speaker Johnson followed with a similar sentiment, was doing on Thursday when he tweeted that "the case should not have been brought and I expect it will be overturned." What in reality both McConnell are Johnson are doing is not rising to Trump's defense but getting in front of being asked to actually be a man themselves and do something tangible. It took Johnson only about a month to decide, like almost all of them, that the trappings of power mean more than righteousness, and frankly I question what Johnson really has been about all along. Regardless, I don't care if Johnson prays 50 times a day. He is weak and pathetic with societal power and perhaps was meant more to shine in a seminary setting or something. Today in many respects the right is like the Jews who willingly climbed aboard cattle cars to be "transported east," or even when unwillingly boarding wanted to believe the best, and then even when arriving at the "transport centers" still in large number somehow thought that there was righteousness and goodness present that would carry the day, unquestionably long-term. Perhaps, but how many millions were destroyed so that Jews even almost a century later have to fight for their very existence. Until we say "Never again," and actually enlist some real men in the fight, we will continue to get steamrolled every day until there is nothing left to steamroll. And that is why the editor feels complete immunity. White men increasingly because of what this article discusses already have surrendered. They have been beaten down. What do you think Perry Hendricks is going to write next time? You think he is going to invest his time in producing something for an academic journal--and I have done so myself and I know what kind of work it takes--that stands a decent chance of being rejected? No, he will change his approach. The editor already has won.

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Michael, I agree! While working in an OB/GYN physician’s office years ago and before abortion was considered completely legal giving the unborn child no rights, we had many more black women coming in for abortions than any other race. Praise God, the doctor I worked for would not perform abortions!

I discovered an insurance policy that gave me hope, in Florida after a woman had three abortions, during the third abortion they were given a hysterectomy, removing the uterus. However; that never slowed the women down. They would often use another name and would have many more abortions.

As far as the men in our government, by the way, I am not against women working in the government, I do however; feel that in most cases the men are more qualified to make the tough decisions, especially when it comes to war, corporal punishment, etc… I truly am convinced that most men in today’s society and in the government, throughout the world, have no backbones and many stood in the lines, with the male pigs and bulls to be castrated, thereby loosening their manhood. The others are so in love with the status and the power and the list of the money that they make no decisions or go with the demonic flow and they all need to be removed from office!

Perry Hendricks has been cut down because he is a white man, however; the facts do NOT lie. Those who complained are nothing more than satanic and demonic minions doing the work of the devil!

This world, not just America is so lost and have turned their backs on God, that the judgement that is coming is very just and deserving for their sins.

Thank you for your comment. Have a blessed afternoon!!

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Sarah, I always enjoy your take on things happening in the world! Once again you have hit the nail on the head!! God bless you my sister in Christ! Love you dearly my little angel 👼girl!!

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Unfortunately, bioethics is a "soft science" and, as such, it has been compromised by "progressive ideology". Mr. Hendricks could have reams of data supporting his paper, yet none of that will matter. A paper addressing the existence of Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood and it's effects on the black community is going to be poorly received regardless of the race or sex of the author. In this case, Perry lacks the biological equipment and the correct race in order to even begin the dialog.

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Obviously, to quote a nw famous movie "you can't handle the truth", with the "you" being minority women. I'd love to read this paper as I know wothout doing so the premise is correct. I wonder if Planned Parenthood being started specifically by a racist to decrease minority children is covered?

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Considering overall crime has decreased since abortion became legal and seemingly common in populations that suffer from an extremely high percentag of single motherhood with the problems that disproportionately come with it. I support it.

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Abortion is a black womans right even after birth! Bear in mind that it's the only thing that keeps them in check and it the minority. Margaret Sanger.

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So the end justifies the means?

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What???? Are you for real??

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Let me off this ride already

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Serious, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. After reading your article I’ve come to the conclusion I have passed into the Twilight Zone.

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Peer-review is supposed to be double-blind (which, in practice, is a bit of a joke since referees can simply search for the title of the paper and often find it on SSRN or other places where academics put up early drafts of their working papers). But you still have to at least maintain the kayfabe that it's double-blind. To specifically mention the demographics of the author as being relevant is to entirely drop the façade.

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Has always astonished me how the AA community cannot see the disproportionate abortion rate among black women as diminishing the influence of AA people in this country by keeping population down.

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...as Chuck Schumer complains there hasn't been enough births in the United States in the last couple decades, therefore we need to import people... to work the shit jobs... can we confirm now... all of this... is 'slavery management' ... it is THEY who decide who lives, who dies, who comes into the world, who doesn't ... but, I'll shut up now, as I am not allowed to comment on such things, due to the color of my skin and my chromosomes. In all honesty, not only did I not choose my skin, nor my chromosomes, I didn't choose to be here at all, if I had that option, I would have opted out, knowing before hand what nonsense and madness I'd have to suffer through... Born to boomers who took everything for granted, and probably should have just left me in a dumpster.... I would have had better chances. Now that enough time has gone by, I see that there are thousands, no, millions who came here just like me.

For some time I might have supported the theory that 'abortion is compassion' (yes, it exists, people believe in it)....because it would have saved me a lot of trouble to just not exist... until (little did I know what surprises life had in store) I'd be abandoned once again, only this time, even less of a choice, because of 'pro-choice' I now live wondering just what my son or daughter would have been like... had they not been aborted. Yes, that's right. I now belong to another demographic... which we should call 'the unconsented.' Men whose wives and girlfriends and fiances had abortions without even so much as a discussion. Nope, I didn't go through a procedure, she clearly did, but I guess having abortions are like removing pickles from your cheeseburger and tossing them into a trash can. Not something I could have imagined, from anybody, when it came down to it. It was her choice. I guess. It certainly ended that relationship, which probably was the whole point, wasn't it?

Does it matter to anyone? No, not really. Haven't come upon anybody who wonders what that 'choice' is like to live with as a man. I wasn't even a useless, nor totally impoverished human or criminal, nope. That choice was made so she could 'live it up' get a bunch of tattoos, and become a drunk, have a life that wouldn't be available if she had a baby... it would get in the way of her 'career' (as a bartender). Sound awesome to you? And me? Yeah, not even the right to 'be upset.' What can I say? I'd still choose to not have entered this life, but I can assure you, yeah, 'abortion' isn't just removing pickles from your cheeseburger so you can have a little more fun in life before you 'decide to have kids.'

From my perspective, it isn't about control whatsoever. And no, men don't talk about this. Because we are expected to accept and enjoy this abuse, but there it is. I have nothing to say about it, I'm not allowed, I know my place. I know my skin color and my chromosomes. At the end of this life, all I think I'll be able to say is, "well, that happened, I never want to go back to that place again, what a fricking nightmare." Currently I exist, and watch people debate about things I already know the consequences of, and having 'no say' (more and more each day) about anything, all I can tell people is, stop deluding yourselves, it's all pretty awful, I don't have the answers, but as much as 'baby-me' would rather have not been here for two seconds, how awful is it to have license to do this as if there were no consequences? Yes, I know, who cares about the men, they're all bad and evil anyways, but what if they're not? What if they cared? What if they wanted that son or daughter? That life is exterminated along with the unborn. Alright, sorry I brought it up, I'll go back to my solitary confinement hole like a good boy... so everyone can have their perfect utopia. I'm just whining like a victim anyways. Need to man it up, brutal as it is. I'll take my dilemmas and conundrums elsewhere, there are probably no answers anyways.... perhaps in my final moments I'll see that son or daughter's face... perhaps they'll have the answers for me...

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What am I supposed to do just be angry all the time?

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