Get back to solid, traditional family values, where divorce is barely whispered about, and abortion is abhorred. Reverse the brainwashing of nurturing women into thinking they are in direct competition with men. This is the culture that has been all but destroyed.

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You truly are “Crusader” gal. Thanks for this!

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"Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."--Winston Churchill

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Good analysis Sarah, and you are right to counsel 'cautious optimism'. The in-fighting and finger pointing currently evident in the rabid Democrat machine, still smarting from the Harris debacle, will soon subside and their focus on destroying the MAGA agenda will rapidly spool up again, with heightened aggression, due to their frustration and anger.

Those of us with still functioning brains all celebrate Trumps' victory but also realise it could quite easily prove pyrrhic considering the huge challenges he faces just to make it to inauguration, let alone what lies in store for him beyond! No matter who is in the White House, unless and until the corrupt and seditious Neo-Marxist Cabal currently dominating the Democrat Party is crushed, the vapid milquetoast RINO elements of the GOP ousted and ‘Uniparty’ politics is completely dismantled, the Nation will continue to flounder. Can Trump succeed, constrained by existing Federal processes and dysfunctional congressional structure, buttressed by the bloated, corrupt bureaucracy it has built around itself? I fear the malignancy may be too far advanced! In 1787 Ben Franklin clearly addressed the likely challenges to the stability and longevity of the newly minted Constitutional Republic with his “…if you can keep it” remarks. To function effectively the US Congress must be populated with honourable, patriotic and principled individuals empaneled via a closely monitored voter registration system with tightly controlled legal citizen in-person-only polling and a moderately well-educated, factually informed, generally clear headed, somewhat civically engaged and at least slightly culturally and socially stable citizenry. In the 21st Century USA such a voting system doesn’t exist and such an electorate is rapidly shrinking as we oldsters check out

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I have completed sympathy with your views,

but people will not change until it becomes personal and very painful for them so compliancy is thrown out the window.

There is a saying in the UK that you may be familiar with; ". I am alright Jack pull the ladder up ".

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It's with a sorrowful heart, Crusader Gal, that I opine that the nation didn't refuse to make abortion access its primary concern. The feminists and other pro-abortionists out there were already in the bag with Harris. When Trump and Vance came out in favour of I.V.F. and ample access to abortion, they could comfortably vote either Republican or Democrat.

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🤔🤔 Very wise guidance.. Shared on other Social Media platforms.

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The issue is trump is more interested in barstool conservative than traditional Catholics. Look at the people he surrounds himself with…men with children from multiple woman, men who cheat during marriage, and men with multiple divorces.

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Whatever happened to "the Great Reset?" Where's Klaus? Where's the WEF? Don't forget they're still out there just waiting to put AI on everyone's phones and computers with a whole new James Bond Villain scheme up their sleeves... Am I wrong?

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However, I have hope, I believe I see hopeful signs, that this humiliating defeat will see a crumbling of the Democratic Party, perhaps to the point of no return.

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Absolutely! Do not stop fighting for freedom and liberty! Because the evil side will never stop fighting until they are defeated. Make no mistake tho, this is very hopeful, and they will be defeated! Keep the pressure on!

Viva Christo Rey!

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Yes! The pro-life message isn't just about babies, and I think most pro-lifers miss this. It's about how precious each and every human being is, as a God-imager. Satan hates us because we image God, and he seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He is pro-death, and also loves pain and suffering.

Pro-life is pro-justice, a set of laws that are worth studying because they revive the soul, bring joy to the heart, give light to our eyes, enduring because the principles are good, and teach and promote righteousness in the population. Laws cannot be unevenly applied, inadvertently broken. If they are chaotic and predatory they exist only give government the power to commit lawfare against its own citizens.

Pro-life is pro-prosperity for all. Econ rule zero: A person can best carve their economic niche when the rules are good, known by all, and can easily be followed; when people do what they say they are going to do, when contracts can be enforced, when suppliers supply when they say they can and payments come on time. People are endlessly inventive, and only need to be allowed to prosper.

Pro-life is the best sort of environmentalism. Humans are not a scourge upon the earth! Humans are the earth's best, most precious natural resource. We don't always act like it, and can we ever mess up, but we can also clean up. Pro-life environmentalism recognizes the creation of God as a gift to humankind. We have not begun to fulfill the first commission given in Genesis. We need MUCH more observation, data collection, experimentation, and knowledge.

Pro-life is generosity, on the one-to-one level, not paying taxes as your donation to charity so a government program can serve up welfare and allow us to not get our hands dirty.

Pro-life values the irregularities in us all, as unique creations of God, including the brains that work differently, the mentally or physically disabled, a terminal or long-term illness, and the aging. If we ignore or throw away someone then we learn nothing. That must be prayerfully balanced with not prolonging death, which may mean prolonging pain and suffering.

Pro-life is pro-family. Families raise children. Without families the human race and our positive influence on the earth, perhaps the universe, disappears. The roles of parents should be cultivated and upheld, and while humans can also be endlessly flexible and adaptive in the face of need, a father and a mother are necessary for procreation.

Pro-life is pro-industry, manufacturing, mining, refining, energy, and innovation; pro-farming, wildlife, forests, exploration. If the laws are good, and our thinking is pro-people, then all of these things are done carefully and not at the expense of another. Those shops and she-sheds are the BEST places to train another generation for skills, industriousness, and creativity.

A pro-life position seeks prosperity for people, so they can adapt, invent, and meet the challenges of a natural disaster, climate change, or a meteor strike. Prosperous people tend to like clean air, water, and outdoor spaces. Pro-life is all of these things.

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This is all good, Molly, but it is absolutely essential that we never adopt Bernadin's "seamless garment" of pro-life which applies moral equivalence to the murder of in-utero children and capital punishment.

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Just a comment about Trump. How far will the Deep State allow him to change the situation. Those that could have made a dramatic difference and tried were assassinated. Lincoln, JFK et al.

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