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When going online to a buy a used book, always look for ex-library books. These are the best cared for, gently used.

How about unreturned books result in suspended book check-out privileges.

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When the books are all gone and sold on ebay, what will be left? Of course you know the answer to that, the woke books nobody wants to read. Save old books. The time to preserve is when the masses stop reading and stop caring. It is time to start creating private libraries and 'book preserves.' People toss tons of old books into landfills every day. "Because it's on the internets." "Print is dead" they say. It's a good thing the Irish didn't believe that centuries ago, they preserved a significant amount when 'civilization' itself went off the rails. We'll have to be doing that again. Not soon, yesterday.

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Well said Sarah, As a guilty late returner I can say emphatically that I have returned books late when I have had money and when I have not. Once I had to return a book that was so late I had to pay for the book. That got me thinking and I have changed my ways. It feels good to return books on time, just like it feels good to show up for work 5 minutes early, and not always have to rush for a train. Anyone can change their habits, rich or poor.

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This is the Devils work, right is wrong , wrong is right. It is Communism at work or more precisely Cultural Marxism. look at the words of such people as Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals. This is a hand book of how to destroy cultures , communities, religions et al. If you are prepared to look around the evidence is all around you the list of False Flags are endless Pearl Harbour, Vietnam, 9/11, Gaza conflict et al. This is all part of the long standing and endless attack on the west culture and its values.

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"We will disincentivize fortitude, industriousness, magnanimity, and moral character." ...

Those are all virtues, or stem from virtues, learned only at church or parochial schools. I'm pretty sure that anyone who doesn't return a book to a library either doesn't go to church or doesn't take it seriously.

John Adams in 1798 said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

God help us!

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May God bless you Ms. Cain for so clearly and concisely expressing the plain truth, the truth that a grave illness of the soul is eating away at the foundation of our very society. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of libraries. When they are gone, a way of life goes with them, leaving only trash and decadence.

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Thank you for your post. Everything you mentioned is, I believe, the idea behind those who’ve engineered this absurdity of eliminating consequences—that is, to make us into dumb robots that are easier to control….

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You could have gone a lot further with regard to libraries. Libraries have been taken over by the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion crowd. I had a regional manager for the King County Library system outside Seattle proudly tell me as I discussed for the countless time the behavior at the homeless shelter, er, I mean the library, that the entire graduate curriculum for librarians is now geared toward social change. Also, last summer in the Kirkland branch of the same library system the staff found a way to essentially steal an extra day off related to "Juneteenth," turning it into an entire weekend under, at best, spurious justifications. There is a homeless lady at the library who has lived there for years. She sleeps, or whatever, outside the library at night and then moves a lot of stuff inside during the day and sleeps right in the middle of the library. Other homeless people get in fights. Frankly, forgoing the late fees is one of the more benign issues with libraries these days, although I agree it is a real one too. Libraries do not even really look at themselves anymore as being libraries, except in name. They look at themselves as community centers with a social justice agenda.

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As an avid reader and once library regular l view this policy and other woke non sense as being indicative of Western society losing its values and morals as well as common sense. I think the younger generation doesn't care for analog books and will choose digital format which will result in the traditional library becoming extinct. Let's see if this policy will work for libraries that loan out Kindles.

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In our modern top-down society the incentive for improvement at the lower class level is approaching zero. It is safe to say the the days of Henry Ford's "virtuous circle of growth" are long gone.

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The poor people of this country, many who could barely read or write, raised children born into faith and the fear of the Almighty. Those generations in turn were thus endowed with a strong work ethic and the capacity for shame, should they fall into indolence and self pity, generations who matured through all manner of hardship, of a kind unknown in the "Civil Rights" era, and created this country, built it up literally out of the soil beneath their feet. In an era long before pandering to society's worst was seen as progress.

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