Nothing creeps me out more than a guitar mass...don't keep reminding me. My mind just immediately turns to Charles Manson and bellbottoms. "This is to where we head. As every area of public and private life gets infected with deviancy, it affects our thoughts and behavior. What we perceive as common becomes what we are willing to accept, if only out of tired resignation."

In the movie, DAWN OF THE DEAD, the characters while flying above the zombies in a helicopter, observing the zombies on the ground, one says "It's everywhere." I see that and ultimately, I wonder, are we all in permanent 'fight or flight' mode now? Burning out our adrenaline 24 hours a day? Exhaustion creeps up on a daily basis. People go to mass on sunday, expecting at the very least a reminder of some divine mysticism, and then comes... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJriUlvhJxM&ab_channel=ChurchMusic ... "Run, it's The Carpenters again!" Alright everybody hold hands and pass the bong.

That horrible feeling comes, like you've just walked in on a hippie cult from 1975. Who digs that weirdness, I ask? Who?

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I think Vatican 2 changed The Catholic Church forever , forced upon it , in the late 1960s , all planned , not a mistake , a Communist called Bella Dodd , you can buy her book on amazon , openly admitted to recruiting "inappropriate" men into The Catholic Church , giving them positions of power , and many , not all but they were placed at the "top" , as early as starting in the 1930s and recruited 1000s of these people to wreck it , what we now see is their planned result . she later confessed this and actually became Catholic in her later life , probably realising what she had done . and wrote a book to show how awful she felt but it was too late by then , The Catholic Church had been ruined / "altered" , but it could so easily go back to it's original self with right people at the "top" to change it , but i can't see the present Pope doing this but we never know , things could be reversed easily . we can pray to St Benedict to remove the curse . i believe ww2 was Regime Change for The West with the destruction of our religion a part of it , the 1960s "changed everything" , all planned and to destroy The West from within as planned and forced by the non German Frankfurt School , all Marxists from NYC early 1920's arrived in Frankfurt to start the process , nothing to do with German people , implemented in the The West from a plan dating back to the mid 1800s , planned by certain other people of a certain other religion from a certain little place in The Middle East ...

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It isn’t Marxists nor Vatican II. It is what Sarah wrote. The “sources” and the pointing to the convergence of events is the delusional vision of those ripples in the pond. The maligned MSM is guilty, but primarily because it sells when people are bound by attachments to materialism.

The answer is to be holy. Which doesn’t even require a really reverent parish. A reverent parish is a good which we should not undervalue. But saints were made holy under more serious persecution than we see now in the US, at least. Not that it isn’t getting worse. But that just makes it more important to rise above.

The answer despite all the problems is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Be holy.

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i agree and have "liked" your reply but if you look for Bella Dodd's book , it's on amazon , she was a self confessed Communist , if you look at all the "changes" in The West in the last 100 years , it's clear how this has happened , and Bella Dodd was a just one of the many people involved , as she herself openly admitted to , if you look , her book , in her own words , is on amazon . The Catholic Church was changed with Vatican 2 , that is common knowledge , and look where it is now ... as a direct result . Being Holy is the answer but if The Catholic Church has been "got" which it has , it'll take political will as well as being Holy , Biden is a modern Catholic but he and his family were "got" years ago as we can see with the many "events" in their lives , and if he doesn't fear and love God then he isn't a real Catholic , and he fears nothing , he loves money and power . We only have to look at the Advisors and the Lobbyists in America and here in the UK to see which countries have been changed beyond recognition in the last 60 years .

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Have not read her but know of her in relation to venerable Abp. Fulton Sheen. In this she is a sign of hope for conversions. Who would believe her heart could be moved towards the Lord?

I believe Pope Francis is sincere about his intention to help transgender and gay persons find the light of Christ. But I think his failure to condemn socialism with a proper understanding of subsidiarity is a weakness that malignant clergy have used for foul purposes. Altogether he is walking into the trap set by Gorbachev’s agenda which Russia discarded but dull westerners have leveraged for evil to pad bank accounts.

Mammon remains the greatest foe and the enemy will attack every aspect of an image made in the likeness of God when pursuit of money or other worldly goods becomes an idol.

Holiness is the cure. The blood of martyrs continues to flow and it seems it shall be needed until He comes again.

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus.

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My Grandparents had a mixed marriage (an Irish Catholic and a German Catholic).

They had four children, born 1936-1941, who in turn had 17 kids, between 1960 and 1971 (including me).

Of the 17 cousins, over half went to Catholic colleges/universities, from all four families. Kids in all four of the families also did drugs.

There are about 35 second cousins in the next generation (so 4 kids per family to 2, on average). They range in age from about 15-30. One was in a homosexual "marriage" last summer. Another is bringing her lesbian "partner" to the family reunion this summer. In both cases, the parents are thrilled with the relationships. Two (sisters) are married and have kids. Otherwise, no other of the second cousins are married. There are 4 third cousins.

The parents of the boy who got "married" attend Catholic church. Maybe three other of the first cousins do.

That's the state of the Catholic church in our family.

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I love your blog Sarah. You speak the truth which is what we all need to hear and do every day.

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Why would a corrupt Satanist have any interest in God or Easter

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Because they need to obey the master they have chosen. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and the enemy wants all of The Gospel destroyed. The New Covenant is the announcement of The Kingdom and the end of the rule of the enemy.

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If you read any of David Yallop's books you will see how they have completely corrupted the Vatican and so the world.

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Biden promotes abortion while claiming to be a Catholic in full communion with the Church.

Nice piece, but hard disagree: Biden's a heretic and that cannot be laid at the feet of apathetic parishes.

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...but if he is a heretic, why haven't they excommunicated him? Apathy?

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Good point.

I think it's because the bishops are eunuchs.

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The ruling bishops are so in name only

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Biden dodges the bishops re receiving the Eucharist - the Georgetown Jesuits have the honor of not refusing him.

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Joe Biden is a believer like I'm an astronaut. Joe has heard of God, but prefers to think of himself as one. He'll learn soon enough who the real God is and how our Creator feels about lifelong criminals destroying people's lives.

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When do we know it is our biblical obligation to call evil evil?

Most are incorrectly stymied by the abused and misinterpreted passage of Matthew 7.

Evil is amuck in the WH.

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Without the resurrection, there would be no Easter. There would be no salvation. There would be no New Covenant, no Good News. Without the good news you'd worry your whole life whether you are going to hell or heaven. You'd wonder if you've worked off enough sin to "make it".

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Spot on.


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The plot thickens. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fmdKYftiXDU

Something is rotten in Texas. Gustavo García-Siller, Michael F. Olson remain while Strickland is removed. All cases have enough in them to cause one to wonder. Something more than apathy is going on there in Texas.

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It’s amazing how far society has fallen in our lifetime, especially in the western world! America has become a secular country, the church has not been the guardians to keep the country moral and keep at bay the decline of society, marriage, abortion, trans-movement etc,etc we shouldn’t be unaware of this because the scriptures tells us about all things about end of days! Keep speaking truth you are a light in this world!

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Almighty God's Holy, inspired word teaches that those who truly follow Jesus, God Almighty's anointed son and king, should not be involved with the political affairs of Satan's system.

Matthew 4:8-10 - James 4:4. John 6:15 - Jeremiah 3:6, 8, 9 - Ezekiel 16:28-30 - 1 Timothy 4:1 - Revelation 17:1-18.

It is no surprise then that those who confess to be followers of Jesus and his Father who are involved in Satan's political system are half-hearted. You cannot serve two masters. 1 Corinthians 10:21 - John 17:16.

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Excellent article, Miss Cain.

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"Culture of resignation" is exactly right. Leftists have been using culture of resignation as a weapon for decades. In my own experience, I first experienced this as a youth, aghast at images of homosexual males openly parading down the streets of San Francisco. Being loud, obnoxious and forceful worked then, as now. This tactic of drowning out the opposition has gained in use exponentially, encouraged by its own success. It is not the majority, but an extremely loud minority that acts as a wrecking ball on our traditions and institutions.

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